18.00 CET | 9.00 PST | 11:00 CST | 12.00 EST | 17.00 GMT | 19.00 IST
Online event
The permanent exhibition of the Galicia Jewish Museum, “Traces of Memory” (updated in 2016), presents the richness and diversity of Jewish life in southern Poland before the Shoah in big cities such as Kraków and Tarnów , but also in smaller towns and villages such as Rymanów or Wielkie Oczy. The exhibition offers a new perspective on the Jewish past of Poland – allowing us to explore various aspects of Jewish history and culture through traces preserved in local landscapes. We would like to invite you to join us for a virtual tour and conversation on what the “traces of memory” are and could be.
This event is part of the Museum Means More 2022 program created in cooperation with State Street Foundation.
In English.
Free admission. Reservations required: zapisy@galiciajewishmuseum.org