„Wspomnienia i kamienie. Życie i śmierć polsko-żydowskiego miasta. Tarnów 1918-1956” – meeting with the author of the book, Agnieszka Wierzcholska

„Wspomnienia i kamienie. Życie i śmierć polsko-żydowskiego miasta. Tarnów 1918-1956” – meeting with the author of the book, Agnieszka Wierzcholska

„Wspomnienia i kamienie. Życie i śmierć polsko-żydowskiego miasta. Tarnów 1918-1956” (“Memories and Stones. The Life and Death of a Polish-Jewish Town. Tarnów 1918-1956”) – meeting with the author of the book, Agnieszka Wierzcholska

Led by: Dr. Edyta Gawron

The majority of Jews in prewar Poland lived in the cities. Focusing on a multicultural town opens an alternative view of the history of Poland. The book presents the daily lives of citizens in the Polish-Jewish town of Tarnów (between 1918 and 1956), where almost half of the prewar population were Jews. It also shows how during the Shoah the attitude of its Polish citizens towards their Jewish neighbors changed drastically, and how Jews fought for survival. Through the lens of one town the most important questions on Polish-Jewish relations are asked: including the role of non-Jewish Poles during the Shoah and the post-war Polish antisemitism.

This is an accompanying event to the exhibition “The Cold Eye”.

Partner: Austeria Publishing House

In Polish. Free admission.