Night of the Museums 2024 at the Galicia Jewish Museum

Night of the Museums 2024 at the Galicia Jewish Museum

From 19.00 until 1.00
Entry ticket: 5 PLN


Program of events:

19.00 “The Cold Eye. March 1942: Final Pictures of Jewish Families in Tarnów” – guided tour through the exhibition

Led by: Jacek Stawiski, Galicia Jewish Museum director

In 1941, in Vienna, a pseudoscientific project was developed in line with the ideology of National Socialism, the aim of which was to “study the typical racial characteristics of Eastern Jews.” As part of the “research” in German-occupied Tarnów, members of over a hundred Jewish families were photographed, a total of 565 men, women and children. Fewer than 30 of these people survived the Holocaust. The photos which were taken at that time as well as short biographies of the victims survived.

The exhibition “The Cold Eye” documents pseudoscientific research and tells the story of Jews who lived in Tarnów under the Nazi German occupation.

The exhibition was created by the Museum of Natural History Vienna and the Berlin-based foundations: Topography of Terror and the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The exhibition is divided into four sections, the center of which is the photography archive.

In Polish. Free admission.

Registration required:

20.00 Eкскурсія по виставці “Холодний погляд. Березень 1942 року: Останні фотографії єврейських родин в Тарнові”

У 1941 році у Відні був розроблений псевдонауковий проект, пов’язаний з ідеологією націонал-соціалізму, метою якого було “вивчення типових расових характеристик східних євреїв”. У рамках “дослідження” в окупованому німцями Тарнові було сфотографовано членів понад 100 єврейських родин, загалом 565 чоловіків, жінок та дітей. Менше ніж 30 з них пережили Голокост.

Виставка розповідає про історію євреїв, які жили в Тарнові під час окупації. Вона була створена Музеєм природознавства у Відні та берлінськими фондами: Топографія терору і Меморіал пам’яті вбитих євреїв Європи.

Українською мовою. Кількість місць обмежена.

Запис обов’язкови:

21.00 Screening of a film on Renia Spiegel and an introduction to an educational project

The diary of Renia Spiegel (1924-1942) was written in Przemyśl, Poland from January 1939 to July 1942. It is an extremely valuable historical source and an unusual memoir of the last years of life of a young, talented, and ambitious woman. Renia’s diary survived the war thanks to her beloved Zygmunt Schwarzer, who brought it to the US and handed it to Renia’s mother and sister, who survived the war. It was published as “Renia’s Diary. A Young Girl’s Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust” a few decades after the Second World War, which was made possible thanks to the determination of Renia Spiegel’s sister and niece – Elizabeth Bellak and Alexandra Bellak.

In order to bring Renia’s diary to a wider audience, especially teenagers in Poland and abroad, the Galicia Jewish Museum in cooperation with the Education and Art Foundation is organizing a project that consists of creating a series of short films and an accompanying education program, the core of which are Renia Spiegel’s writings. It was made possible with the support from the US Consulate General in Krakow.

During the screening the audience will get to know Renia’s story and will also learn about the educational project.

In Polish with English subtitles.