Seven personal stories with the turbulent European history of the 20th century in the background… Seven women who never met. What connects them is the fact they were born in Jewish families in Europe in the first decades of the 20th century, survived the Shoah, rebuilt their lives after the war, and shared their stories. The women’s stories included in this exhibition let us present historic events from the perspective of its female participants, taking into account their changing social roles, the decisions they made, their strategies of survival, as well as their unique worlds which were torn apart and then reconstructed after the catastrophe. As a result, their exceptional individual stories and the experiences of each woman – when interwoven with other stories – depict the complexity of the European-Jewish history of the 20th century.
The exhibition was created thanks to cooperation of partner organizations: Galicia Jewish Museum (Poland), The Jewish Museum of Greece (Greece), Centropa (Germany, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia) and Mozaika (Spain). The materials used in the exhibition are part of the collections and archives of Centropa, The Jewish Museum of Greece and Mozaika.
The HerStories project is co-funded by the European Union within the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Program.
Project supported by the Visegrad Fund.
In Polish. Free admission.
Space is limited, registration required:
This event is part of The Month of Kraków Women The Month of Kraków Women.