Led by: Bartosz Wencel
March 13th, 2024 marks the 81st anniversary of the liquidation of the Kraków Ghetto. The ghetto was established in the district of Podgórze, south from the Kraków city center, on the other bank of the Vistula River. It existed for two years during which the Germans murdered most of Kraków’s Jews, at the same time doing everything they could to erase the traces of their presence in the city for many centuries. Any description of this place is not able to transfer the atmosphere of fear, suffering, and terror, which filled the everyday lives of Jewish citizens of the city.
We would like to invite you to a guided tour through this area as a commemoration of the Shoah. We will walk through Podgórze, its streets, squares, and courtyards, following the traces of the former Kraków Ghetto.
Registration required: zapisy@galiciajewishmuseum.org
Starting point: Galicia Jewish Museum, ul. Dajwór 18
In Polish.
Free admission.