Following the Works of Józef Hecht (1891-1951). From Łódź and Krakow, through Scandinavia, to Paris

Following the Works of Józef Hecht (1891-1951). From Łódź and Krakow, through Scandinavia, to Paris

Led by: Dr. Magdalena Furmanik-Kowalska and Prof. Katarzyna Kulpińska

We would like to invite you to a presentation of a life story and history of works of a prominent artist who has been somewhat forgotten in his homeland, Józef Hecht (1891-1951). Raised in a traditional Jewish family in Łódź, he was a graduate of the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts, and a student of Wojciech Weiss and Józef Pankiewicz. An emigree fascinated with the beauty of Scandinavian and South-French nature, a friend of animals, a polyglot, an inhabitant of the Parisian Montparnasse, but most of all a teacher of traditional graphic design who influenced its rebirth in contemporary art.

The meeting will also be promoting two publications devoted to the artist, among which there will be the first Polish catalogue of works by Józef Hecht, which includes all genres of art he has been dealing with, namely: painting, workshop graphics, and sculpture; as well as an album containing a reprint and preparation of the artist’s two Parisian portfolios, “Noah’s Ark” and “Atlas”, which brought him recognition in the capital of art.

Partners: Art & Modern Foundation, Polonika, The Museum of the City of Łódź, the University of Łódź, Wejman Gallery.

In Polish. Free admission.