“Two Trees in Jerusalem” is an animated documentary produced by Humanity in Action. The film tells the unusual story of a German couple, Eberhard and Donata Helmrich, who saved the lives of many Jews of Berlin and Western Europe during the Shoah. The narrator of the film is Cornelia, the daughter of the main heroes. Courage, values, and simple rules by which her parents were guided influenced her own life choices: for decades she has been working as a journalist, politician, and a Federal Foreign Affairs Commissioner.
In the 21st century humanity has been faced with new challenges: the last Holocaust Survivors and Witnesses are dying, taking their knowledge on one of the darkest chapters of the history of humanity with them. These stories were rooted in their own experiences. It is us who are responsible for remembering their stories and drawing conclusions from history. The film “Two Trees in Jerusalem” is an attempt to save one of these important stories for future generations.
This event is part of the European Day of the Righteous.
There will be a discussion after the film.
In Polish. Free admission.