

dir. Władysław Pasikowski, 2012

The beginning of the 21st century, a typical Polish village. After 20 years of absence, Franciszek Kalina comes back from America, alarmed by unsettling news about the strange behavior of his younger brother, who not only is at odds with his family, but also with his neighbors, among whom the Kalina family have lived for generations. The reason for the conflict turns out to be Józek’s persistent attempts to bring back the memory of Jewish villagers, whose traces the present villagers have obliterated. In doing so, as it will soon turn out, they have also obliterated the memory of their own participation in the Shoah.

The screening will be preceded by an introduction by Dr. Joanna Preizner.

Film screening as part of the project “(In)separable. Difficult Subjects in Polish-Jewish Relations”, 4th edition.

Partners: Camera of David Foundation, Warsaw Jewish Film Festival, Institute of Jewish Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

In Polish with English subtitles.
Free admission.