A walk through the Kraków ghetto

A walk through the Kraków ghetto

Led by: Bartosz Wencel
Start of the walk: Father Bernatek Footbridge from the side of Mostowa street

Steinberg, Rosner, Mandelbaum, Ores, Friedman, Goldstein… These are just some of the names of Kraków families who, like thousands of other Jewish residents of Kraków, were victims of Nazi crimes. One can point to many dates that marked the successive stages of the Holocaust in Kraków, but one of the most important and tragic is March 13-14, 1943 – the liquidation of the ghetto. In order to remember and commemorate the terrible events of those days, we invite you to an educational walk on the territory of the former ghetto.

In Polish. Free admission.

Space is limited. Registration required: