A premiere of an animated film titled “Shielding the Flame” and a broadcast of an online meeting with Hanna Krall (organized by the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews)

A premiere of an animated film titled “Shielding the Flame” and a broadcast of an online meeting with Hanna Krall (organized by the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews)

A narrative of this film, based on the famous book “Shielding the Flame” by Hanna Krall, takes place in three timeframes: during the Second World War, where we get to know the fate of young Marek Edelman, member of Jewish resistance and the last leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; in the 1960’s, when he developed his career as a doctor in Łódź; and, finally, in the 1970’s, when he is interviewed by Hanna Krall for the purpose of writing the famous non-fiction book. Searching for answers for most important questions asked not only by the author of the book, but also, Edelman himself is the main axis that connects different parts of this story in the same way as does the red thread…

The film was created by: Hi-Story, based on a screenplay by Agnieszka Matna, and produced by the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews.

As part of events commemorating Yom HaShoah and the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

In Polish. Free admission.