20/20. Meeting with Ilona Wiśniewska, author of non-fiction books and photopgrapher

20/20. Meeting with Ilona Wiśniewska, author of non-fiction books and photopgrapher

Led by: Anna Goc

We would like to invite you to a meeting with Ilona Wiśniewska, author of non-fiction books such as „Białe. Zimna wyspa Spitsbergen” (2014), „Hen. Na północy Norwegii” (2016), „Lud. Z grenlandzkiej wyspy” (2018), „Migot. Z krańca Grenlandii” (2022), and a children’s book „Przyjaciel Północy”.

Ilona Wiśniewska regularly cooperates with such prestigious magazines as „Dwutygodnik,” „Polityka”, and „Duży Format”.

Her works are respected by both the audience and the critics, which brought her many awards and nominations. „Białe” was nominated to the Teresa Torańska “Newsweek” award and brought her the title of Woman of the Year in 2015. “Hen” was honored by the Traveler Award by National Geographic in the category of a travel book of the year 2017 and a nomination to the Beata Pawlak Award. The book “Lud” was awerded by the President of the City of Lublin Award, while “Migot” received the Grand Press award in the category of the non-fiction book of the year.

Wiśniewska focuses mainly on polar areas of the world. Her writing and photographs impact many readers. Currently she lives in northern Norway.

This event is part of the project “20 for 20. A Series of Meetings with 20 Authors for the Galicia Jewish Museum 20th Anniversary”. The project was financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland from the Fund for Promoting Culture.


In Polish. Free admission.