Travels between magical lands, incredible creatures, enchanted princesses and a cunning Sea Devil – such is the fairy-tale world of Sindbad. The first edition of The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer written by Bolesław Leśmian – one of the Polish-Jewish poets and writers, was published in Warsaw in 1913 and soon became popular among the readers. Julia Konieczna captured this magical world in the technique of watercolors, pen and ink. The exhibition of her illustrations and the accompanying cycle of workshops inspired by Bolesław Leśmian’s fairy tale are nothing less than an invitation to a world of magic and sea adventures.
The exhibition of Julia Konieczna’s works is aimed at viewers of all ages. Children will be able to plunge into the magical world of Sindbad, whose adventures fascinate next generations of readers. Adults, on the other hand, will have an incredible opportunity to recall the fascinating adventures of the hero of the Leśmian’s novels.
Julia Konieczna is an illustrator and animator. Born in Warsaw in 1991, she graduated from BA (hons) Illustration and Animation at Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University. Works in traditional drawing techniques on paper, with an ever evolving style, linked by a world of magical reality and emotion with a signature fine black line. Her works have been published and exhibited many times. The artist invited Mary Besemeres, translator and linguist of the Australian National University in Canberra to work with her and create a new edition of The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer – translated into English for the first time. The book illustrated by Julia is available online in the Apple Book store.