An Unfinished Memory – East Galicia Tour
June 20th-25th, 2022
We are very excited to announce the second edition of Unfinished Memory – East Galicia Tour with Prof. Jason Francisco, which is planned for June 20th-25th, 2022.
Jason Francisco is an acclaimed artist and essayist. Bringing together documentary and conceptual art, his photoworks and writings focus on the complications of historical memory, and new directions in the art of witness. Much of his work concerns the inheritance of trauma, specifically concerning Jewish experience in eastern Europe.
During the tour we will have a chance to see Lviv with its old Jewish Quarter which now features the most important urban initiative on behalf of Jewish memory in Ukraine, the Space of the Synagogues project, the Center for Urban History of East Cental Europe, a former getto area (Territory of Terror Memorial Museum, Klepariv Station and former Janowska Slave Labour camp).
We will also visit smaller towns – among others Bibrka and Novy Strilyshcha, typical small Galician towns whose Jewish residents comprised between 40%-60% of the population in the decades before war (with the ruins of synagogues and cemeteries that remain there), Rohatyn, with rich Jewish past, today the site of one of the most important initiatives in historical memory in historical Galicia (Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, an Amercan–Ukrainian partnership), and Zhovkva with its extraordinary synagogue – one of the most famous examples of Baroque synagogue architecture in Europe.
During the program you will have a chance to meet some of the key activists responsible for the commemoration of the Jewish past and revival of Jewish life in Western Ukraine.
Download the pdf to find out more: An Unfinished Memory in Eastern Galicia 2nd Edition – Eastern Galicia Tour 2022