Petrykivka – workshop with Lolita Igorivna-Wrzeczynska
Petrykivka – workshop with Lolita Igorivna-Wrzeczynska Saturday, 14.05.2022: • Group 1: 11.00-14.00 • Group 2: 15.00-18.00 Sunday, 15.05.2022: • Group 3: 11.00-14.00 Petrykivka is an art technique, the name of which comes from a small Ukrainian town that was created in the 18th century and is famous for its ornamented houses and walls. It’s a
see11.05.2022, 17.00 | 14.05.2022, 15.00
“Unfinished memory” – lecture and guided tour of the exhibition (in Ukrainian)
Wednesday, 11.05.2022, 17.00 Saturday, 14.05.2022, 15.00 “Unfinished memory” – lecture and guided tour of the exhibition Led by: Viktoriia Mudrytska During the meeting the participants will get to know the history of the Galicia Jewish Museum and will take part in a guided tour through the exhibition “Unfinished Memory: Jewish Heritage and the Holocaust in
see27.04.2022, 18.00
Film screening: “The Long Night” dir. Janusz Nasfeter
Film screening: “The Long Night” dir. Janusz Nasfeter, 1967, (premiered in 1989) On-site event A famous Polish “półkownik” – a film which was put aside on a shelf (“półka”) by Community censors and therefore had its distribution withheld. The plot takes place in the winter of 1943. German supervisors of a town declare a state